benzalkonium chloride disinfectant-凯发ag旗舰厅

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address: zhongtai industrial park ,xiwangzhuang town, shizhong district, zaozhuang city, shandong province, p.r.c
plant size: small and medium-sized
exp tel��0086-632-3461088
name: jin tsui
benzalkonium chloride disinfectant


benzalkonium chloride is a broad-spectrum fungicide of cationic surfactants, which can change the permeability of the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane, make the cytoplasmic material of the bacteria extravasate, hinder its metabolism and play a killing role. it is more effective against gram-positive bacteria strong, not effective against pseudomonas aeruginosa, acid-fast bacilli and bacterial spores. it can quickly bind to protein, and the effect is significantly reduced in the presence of blood, cotton, cellulose and organic matter. concentrations below 0.1% are non-irritating to the skin. this product is a colorless or light yellow transparent liquid with an effective content of more than 5 % ; it smells fragrant and has a bitter taste. generates a lot of foam when shaking



dilution ratio

use concentration

specific use method

hospital contamination

1: 200


spray or wipe the utensils to be disinfected in the diluted solution for 60 minutes

general object surface

1: 500


wipe, mop or spray the diluted surface with diluted disinfectant for 60 minutes.

space environment disinfection

1: 500


use the diluted disinfectant to scrub or spray the space environment surface to disinfect for 20 minutes

textile disinfection

1: 300


infiltrate textile items with diluted disinfectant for 60 minutes and wash with water



1. can be used directly, but not mixed with other products;

2. protect from light and store in a cool, dry place;

3. non-potable water.

implementation standard: enterprise standard

disinfection product number.: lu (2020) no. 0176

production date: see label

validity: 10 months


package and storage:

1.1l,2.5l,5l10l,25l,250l,1000l bottle, customers�� requirement. storage for three months in shady room and dry place.

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凯发ag旗舰厅 copyright @2008-2009 shandong xintai water treatment technology co., ltd.
zhongtai industrial park ,xiwangzhuang town, shizhong district, zaozhuang city, shandong province, p.r.c tel.0632-3461066��13606321973